For Lightning Protection Test & Inspection Company/Group License. Use the Company/Group Licences if you are a manager or team leader, and you want to manage one or multiple courses with multiple students participating.
Your fully comprehensive e-learning package for LPS T&I follows the requirements to meet the NVQ Level 3 – Lightning Protection Test & Inspection Engineer Qualification unit QCF325 (NOCN – Y/650/6144) for the sum of £495.00/seat plus VAT. Discounts are available for quantities and are applied according to numbers at the time of purchase.
Lightning Protection Systems Test & Inspection (LPS T&I) Company/Group e-learning course seats
What the LPS T&I e-learning course includes
- A bespoke online e-learning programme to meet with the specific requirements to allow you to commence with the testing & inspection of lightning protection systems.
- It’s your course, you do it at your pace, no schedule, no hassle, no rush! You do it at your pace!
- Its fully automated, so you can stop at your leisure & when you come back you simply pick up where you left off!
- If you need to double-check on something to make sure you’ve got it, you can!
- The course is broken down into modules, in each module, there are a series of training units.
- You can do the whole course at one time, or break it down into either modules or specific training units.
- As soon as you finish a training unit, it is automatically recorded to your personal file.
- When you have successfully finished, you will be awarded your certificate, and it doesn’t end there!
- You have a two-year unlimited membership allowing you to access & review all of the LPS T&I training units you have completed, through your phone, tablet or computer, so even if you are on-site or out in the field and you just need to check a specific task, you can!
- After your two-year membership, you will be invited back for a discounted sum of £150.00 plus VAT for a further two-year membership, which will automatically give you all this and any updates.
This allows you to commence with the task at hand, getting out there and making a start, all the time gaining experience & knowledge, supported at all times by Millbrook First’s highly technical LPS support & backup service.
Course Content
Lightning Protection Systems Test & Inspection (LPS T&I) Company/Group e-learning course seats